
Wine News: What I’m Reading the Week of 4/21/24

Hello and welcome to my weekly roundup of the wine stories that I find of interest on the web. I post them to my magazine on Flipboard, but for those of you who aren’t Flipboard-inclined, here’s everything I’ve strained out of the wine-related muck for the week.

Restaurant in Italy offers free bottles of wine to customers who hand in phones
Love this.

Sober times for China’s wine sellers
Change and adapt

California wine’s most unlikely celebrity: an Italian with a chainsaw
Marco Simonit is having a moment.

Wine growers ‘on tip of Africa’ race to adapt to climate change
And everywhere else.

Forget car pools, these Oregon wineries share sheep
Great concept.

Should We Be Talking About Red Wine Headaches?
Only if we can do it without mentioning sulfites.

Napa Green’s Roundup ban underscores controversy behind Sonoma County’s ‘certified sustainable’ vineyards
If your sustainability certification allows systemic chemicals it’s a joke.

Q&A: Luxury South Bay wine retailer Angie An is on a quest to make the wine world less intimidating
A local wine evangelist.

New research could improve the aroma of canned wine
TLDR; less sulfur please.

Beaujolais, known for casual wine, wants to be taken seriously
Dave McIntyre and I agree.

A Buyer’s Guide to Wine Auctions
And buyer beware.

Without the younger generation we’ll lose farming as it exists here
Andrew Jefford visits a new slice of Napa.

There’s a Secret Vintage Wine Collection Hiding Inside This Oakland Barbecue Spot
The kind of secret menu I can get behind.

The ingenious wines birthed from black volcanic craters
The world’s most amazing vineyards.

Marco Felluga, White Wine Visionary in Italy’s Friuli, Dies at 96
The man who made Pinot Grigio great again.

That bottle from a California winery may not all be California wine. Suddenly, people are pissed about it
The dirty little secret of supermarket wine.

The Los Angeles Wine World’s Enduring Murder Mystery
Fascinating tale.

Lenz Moser: ‘we arrogant Europeans can learn a lot from China’
What this winemaker learned consulting in China.

How an Ex-N.B.A. Player Is Diversifying Wine One Sip at a Time
Eric Asimov visits Channing Frye.

Laurent Delaunay: Lands of opportunity
From Burgundy to Languedoc and back.

Sauvignon Blanc: The People’s Champ
Jason Wilson on the grape that wine people love to hate.

The Liberal Arts of Wine
Some good thoughts on wine education.

The grapes of wealth
A nice piece by Kathleen Willcox with cameo by Melissa Smith.

Where Napa Valley is now
Jancis talks pricing.

Sips & Bytes – Andrew Levy
Another luminary profiled by Paul Mabray.

The challenges amid Canadian wine’s renaissance
Having most of your vines killed qualifies as a challenge.

The New Cult California Wines: Sip Into Something More Comfortable
Warning, this website may crash your browser.

The post Wine News: What I’m Reading the Week of 4/21/24 appeared first on Vinography.

Source : https://www.vinography.com/2024/04/wine-news-what-im-reading-the-week-of-4-21-24