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Malu Lambert: My top 10 wines of 2024

Malu Lambert wines 2024Malu Lambert with David Clarke of Ex Animo at The Foodbarn

Who doesn’t love a trip to London? I may live in a wine-producing country, but London? It’s the beating heart of the wine world.

This was my first visit to Decanter in situ, and I was invited to taste on the Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 Panel Tasting. The wines on show highlighted how producers are pushing stylistic differences, from Banghoek to Bottelary, rather than just ‘Stellenbosch’.

The top contender was Le Riche Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017.

Scroll down for Malu’s top 10 South African wines of…

Source : https://www.decanter.com/premium/malu-lambert-my-top-10-wines-of-2024-547707/