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Vinography Images: Winter Vines

Many people don’t know that Japan has a vibrant and long-standing wine culture stretching back to the 19th Century, when the Japanese began to seriously cultivate the Koshu grape for winemaking purposes. Koshu is usually trained in large pergolas, but some of the best producers are increasingly interested in trellising, such as those in this vineyard owned by Grace Wine, seen mid-winter before pruning. This site produces some of the very best Koshu made in Japan.

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Vinography regularly features images for readers’ personal use as desktop backgrounds or screen savers. This year the images are by Vinography’s founder and editor Alder Yarrow. We hope you enjoy them. Please respect the copyright on these images. These images are not to be reposted on any website or blog without the express permission of the photographer.

The post Vinography Images: Winter Vines appeared first on Vinography.

Source : https://www.vinography.com/2024/12/vinography-images-winter-vines