
US West Coast: The new vanguard

US West Coast winemakers
Alban Debeaulieu of Abbott Claim.

For many years now, America’s fine wine epicentre has been in that special valley between the Vaca and Mayacamas mountain ranges that we all know as Napa. First established in the 19th century, the Napa Valley’s quality and reputation are known throughout the world of wine.

But as crucial as Napa is to America’s wine identity, it doesn’t capture the totality of what is a very large and dynamic place. America’s west coast is far from being a monoculture of Cabernet.

Beyond that famous valley and up and down the country’s western coast, a new vanguard of American winemakers ply their skills and creativity, pushing their respective regions and, by extension, American wine in new directions.

Scroll down to see notes and scores for nine wines from four of the US west coast’s most dynamic producers