
Bordeaux 2023 market analysis: Brane-Cantenac drops 25% 

Brane-Cantenac 2023 joined the roster of Bordeaux 2023 en primeur releases on Wednesday afternoon (22 May), with other châteaux emerging onto the campaign stage on Thursday morning (23 May). Four latest releases: Brane-Cantenac 2023: 96pts (Decanter) | €54.50 per bottle ex-négociant, down 25.8% versus 2022 | UK price £534 per 12x75cl in bond (IB) La Gaffelière | 95pts | €44.50 per bottle, …

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Remírez de Ganuza – My perfect pairing, with Elena Arzak

Elena Arzak In 1966, at the tender age of 32, Juan Mari Arzak won Spain’s National Gastronomy Prize and attained the first Michelin star for his eponymous restaurant in San Sebastián. The accolades recognised the chef’s talent and pioneering spirit as one of the leading figures – alongside, among others, Pedro Subijana – of the ‘new basque cuisine movement’, whose …

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The Chappellet family and the forging of Napa’s Cabernet identity

Dominic Chappellet in the barrel room at Chappellet Vineyard & Winery In the mid-1960s, American businessman Donn Chappellet began doing some soul searching and started to imagine life as a winemaker. He had co-founded Interstate United Corporation, a food services business that, at its apex, employed 8,000 workers and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Then, in 1966, …

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Côte-d’Or vineyard prices soared in 2023

High values in Burgundy lifted average vineyard prices in France last year, even as parts of Bordeaux and the Rhône Valley faced a deteriorating wine real-estate market, according to French rural property agency Groupe Safer. The price of a premier cru white-wine property in Côte-d’Or rose for a 28th year, climbing 13% to an average €2.25m per hectare. For vines …

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Viña Leyda – Masters of Chilean Pinot Noir

Viña Leyda’s El Granito vineyard in Chile’s burgeoning Leyda Valley Back in 1998, when Viña Leyda started to plant its first vineyards, few in the world of wine suspected that the Leyda Valley had the potential to produce high-end cool climate wines. Yet this burgeoning area in Chile’s Valparaiso Region was on the verge of making a name for itself …

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Best Pomerol 2023 wines tasted en primeur

Pomerol: Cooler soils performed best Average yield: 45.2hl/ha Variance from 2022: +39% Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores for the top Pomerol en primeur 2023 wines {“content”:”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”} See the top-scoring Pomerol en primeur 2023 wines {} {“wineId”:”82103″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82096″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82091″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82111″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82109″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82113″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82110″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82616″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82610″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82633″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82293″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82630″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} … Source : https://www.decanter.com/premium/best-pomerol-2023-wines-tasted-en-primeur-528838/

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Giacomo Grimaldi Barolo 2019 $56 (93 points)

Juicy and full of cherry, earth, tar and eucalyptus flavors, this red shows power, with a solid underpinning of dense tannins. A lively and balanced version, with fine energy on the spicy finish. Best from 2027 through 2043. 1,800 cases made, 400 cases imported. Source : 4fdd67cd5f7c1e6f6773326ed6637405

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Historic Piedmont wine estate hits the auction stage

Azienda Agricola Montefiorito is a restored 17th century monastery that has been converted into a luxury villa. The historic estate is located in Asti, which is in the renowned Piedmont wine region. The 13-hectare property also includes a wine cellar, a tasting area, two apartments, a church, landscaped gardens, and a swimming pool. Montefiorito includes 4.6 ha under vine, planted …

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Reducing Drinking from Heavy to Moderate Can Improve Heart Health

Decades of research has found that people who drink light to moderate amounts of alcohol enjoy better cardiovascular health than abstainers, but that benefit quickly disappears as consumption rises into heavy drinking. But in recent years, a vocal group of public health advocates has argued that no level of drinking is safe. Now, a new study says that heavy drinkers …

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DWWA 2024 party highlights

Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) judging is officially complete, with 243 international judges having in the past two weeks assessed more than 18,000 wines. To celebrate 21 years of judging DWWA threw a party, which brought together more than 200 industry experts, to raise a glass to another successful year. Held at London’s Vinoteca City, the celebratory evening included live …

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In praise of Rioja’s old vines

Manu Michelini in the cellar Rioja and age go well together. That’s bottle and barrel age. There’s nothing like a mature gran reserva, layered with the memories of red fruit, autumn, wood smoke and wild herbs; smooth and very long-lived. Its age of maturation is firmly regulated: a minimum of two years in a 225-litre barrel, a minimum of two …

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Bordeaux 2023 market analysis: Léoville Poyferré down 33%

Château Léoville-Poyferré St-Julien’s Château Léoville Poyferré joined St-Emilion’s Clos Fourtet and Canon-La-Gaffelière among the latest Bordeaux 2023 en primeur releases on Wednesday (22 May).  These three releases at a glance Château Léoville Poyferré 2023 | 96pts (Decanter) | €56.50 per bottle ex-négociant, down 32.7% | UK price £674 per 12x75cl in bond (IB) Clos Fourtet 2023 | 95pts | €70 per bottle, down …

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Chianti Classico consorzio’s 100th anniversary marks sustainable future

Director of the Chianti Classico consorzio, Carlotta Gori announced a new sustainability manifesto in Florence during the consorzio’s 100th anniversary celebrations. The Chianti Classico consorzio – the oldest wine consortium in Italy – marked its centenary in Florence last week with a programme of events. Founded in 1924 with 33 original members, the consorzio has expanded to comprise 500 wineries …

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Best St-Emilion 2023 wines tasted en primeur

St-Emilion: The greatness of limestone and clay St-Emilion average yields: 43.1hl/ha St-Emilion Grand Cru average yields: 40.6hl/ha Variance from 2022: -15% and -6% respectively Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores for the top St-Emilion en primeur 2023 wines {“content”:”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”} See the top-scoring St-Emilion en primeur 2023 wines {} {“wineId”:”82092″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82093″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82094″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82095″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82120″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82119″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82105″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82115″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82104″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82106″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} …

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China, EU trade tension may lead to wine tariffs

Officials in China have hinted that EU wines and other goods could be hit with punitive import tariffs, pending the result of several European Commission investigations into possible Chinese state subsidies in other business sectors. A warning on a Chinese social media account with close links to state media included a legal expert naming wine and dairy as two agricultural …

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Alta Vista Malbec Mendoza Estate 2022 $20 (89 points)

This medium-bodied red offers a savory and graphite spine, with macerated cherry and plum flavors. Firm, minerally tension checks in on the finish around a cocoa bean note and firming tannins. Drink now through 2034. 5,500 cases imported. Source : 2866cb0d696f1c856992208e7846a7f6

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Abruzzo for wine lovers

The restored Castello di Semivicoli at Masciarelli. Abruzzo’s landscape is astonishing: a backdrop of statuesque mountains soaring to nearly 3,000m above sea level and capped with snow for six months of the year, with river valleys running down to the Adriatic coast through a band of hills where cool breezes and dramatic night-day temperature swings provide perfect conditions for fragrant, …

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Hugh Johnson: ‘A Hermès tie calls for a plain shirt’

I make a distinction, naturally, between restaurant and merchants’ lists. There are restaurants that should warn you when you book that you’ll need an hour or two to pick from the 200 Burgundies and 400 Bordeaux, not to mention the head sommelier’s deep dive into Alsace, the Jura and the parts of Italy, Spain and South America where he apparently …

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