
The ULTIMATE dessert… | includes german wine! Estérel Reso…

includes german wine!   Estérel Resort, soirée vinicole. Chefs: Cédric Saint-Pierre, Marie-Jeanne Fortier et Vincent Couture   Poire confite, crémeux de Riopelle suprême d’orange sanguine, pamplemousse, crumble de Fleuron, miel d’Anicet   Candied pear, Riopelle supreme, blood orange cream, grapefruit, fleuron crumble, Anicet honey Done Source : https://www.flickr.com/photos/186554226@N07/53746535500/in/pool-17918700@N00

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Torbreck: profile plus 16 new releases and older vintages from this cult Barossa label

Years ago when interviewing Ian Hongell, he dismissed generic stereotypes about South Australia’s Barossa Valley: ‘it’s not one flat paddock!’ Back then he worked for Peter Lehmann. Today Hongell is chief winemaker and general manager at Torbreck, a winery that shot to fame in the 1990s by cherry-picking the best of that ‘paddock’. Influential US critic Robert Parker gave rave …

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Riecine Toscana La Gioia 2019 $81 (95 points)

Concentrated and dense, this red features cherry, raspberry, plum, floral, mineral and Mediterranean macchia aromas and flavors. A balanced version, with refined tannins and vibrant acidity lifting the long finish. Best from 2026 through 2042. 416 cases made, 210 cases imported. Source : 4157d47c84fb8f2fcc92b08348d9422f

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Vinography Unboxed: Week of 5/19/24

Hello and welcome to my weekly dig through the pile of wine samples that show up asking to be tasted. I’m pleased to bring you the latest installment of Vinography Unboxed, where I highlight some of the better bottles that have crossed my doorstep recently. This week included a couple releases from one of my favorite Napa producers, Spottswoode Winery. …

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Expert’s Choice: US Riesling

Lamoreaux Landing’s vineyards in Finger Lakes. Too often, Riesling gets a bad rap. Through much of the 20th century, American bottlings were often confusing. There was little consistency in labelling and wines made using unrelated varieties or distant relatives often adopted the name, such as ‘Grey Riesling’ or ‘Missouri Riesling’. A 1996 ruling by the TTB (US Treasury department’s Alcohol …

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Best Sauternes & Barsac 2023 wines tasted en primeur

Sauternes & Barsac: Sheer excellence Average yield: 12.2hl/ha Variance from 2022: -14% Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores for the top Sauternes & Barsac en primeur 2023 wines {“content”:”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”} See the top-scoring Sauternes & Barsac 2023 en primeur wines {} {“wineId”:”82602″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82604″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82603″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82614″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”83003″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82632″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} {“wineId”:”82619″,”displayCase”:”standard”,”paywall”:true} … Source : https://www.decanter.com/premium/best-sauternes-barsac-2023-wines-tasted-en-primeur-528839/

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Vinography Images: City of Vines

This is my ode to one of my favorite wine events in the world (that happens to be underway at the moment): VieVinum. It’s the biannual wine trade fair for Austrian Wine, and it takes place in the beautiful city of Vienna, which is pretty unique in the world for having a large wine appellation completely contained within the city …

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SND: O’Neill Vintners & Distillers Buys Sonoma’s Ram’s Gate Winery

California wine company O’Neill Vintners & Distillers is creating a new luxury division and starting it by purchasing a Sonoma winery. Shanken News Daily (SND) reports that the 1.8 million case company has purchased Ram’s Gate Winery in Sonoma for an undisclosed sum. Ram’s Gate is known for upscale Pinot Noir and Chardonnay retailing from $45 to $150 a bottle, …

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Judgement of London: celebrating wine not origin

An expert panel of 21 judges tasted 16 pairs of white and red wines, pitting Europe and the Rest of the World, in an homage to the 1976 Judgment of Paris tasting. It was a blind tasting where wine worlds blurred rather than collided; where ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ felt obsolete against nuance, texture, elegance and balance. Following four …

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Straight Talk Episode 22: James Hall on Buying Back Patz & Hall

Patz & Hall co-founder James Hall is still pinching himself: After selling the iconic California Chardonnay brand in 2016, Hall was able to buy it back earlier this year. He tells us how he did it, and then takes us all the way back to landing his first winery gig in Napa … by pretending he could speak Italian?! Straight …

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Patrick van der Sande has added a photo to the pool: a nice start, 16th of may 2024 Source : https://www.flickr.com/photos/patrickvandersande/53743568068/in/pool-17918700@N00

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Patrick van der Sande has added a photo to the pool: surrounded bij fruittrees Source : https://www.flickr.com/photos/patrickvandersande/53743564813/in/pool-17918700@N00

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Freeman Vineyards & Winery: Subtlety from the Sonoma Coast

Freeman Winery’s winemaker Akiko Freeman Ken and Akiko Freeman are the husband and wife behind the family-owned estate on the dynamic West Sonoma Coast. As the winemaker, Akiko’s role is to translate the climatic extremes of their dynamic coastal terroir into nuance and subtlety in their Pinot Noir. Founded in 2001, Freeman’s winemaking has always aimed to produce elegant wines, …

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Patrick van der Sande has added a photo to the pool: mainly Solaris and Johanniter Source : https://www.flickr.com/photos/patrickvandersande/53743703374/in/pool-17918700@N00

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