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AS we bid adieu to 2024, we in the wine biz (and probably the world in general) can look towards the future with… a sense of dread and trepidation, probably.
So instead, let’s look back on 2024 here on 1WD, as I give you (as reported to me by analytics)…
The Top 10 Most Popular 1WD Articles of 2024
10) The Cynic’s Guide To Wine Publications
It gives me great personal pleasure to see that this little bit of April’s Foolery made the cut. It’s acerbic, almost to an extreme, but then you should see the first draft… that one would have cost me a lot of friends in the industry.
9) Cool Wines In Overly Hot Climes (Tasting Through Romagna’s Faenza)
I braved Italy’s intense 2023 heat wave to bring you this report on some of the most exciting wines coming out of Romagna. At least, I think that they were exciting… it was difficult to tell in that face-melting heat…
8) Get Ready For Some Killer Bulk Wine
Alas, our look back itself is not lacking for dread and trepidation; as you will see, it became dominated by my Op-Ed pieces on the struggles of the global wine industry. This was my attempt to look at one of the potential bright sides of those struggles for wine lovers.
7) Why I’m (Mostly) Not Talking About the Silicon Valley Bank 2024 State of the Wine Industry Report
My take on one of the earlier deep dives into the wine industry’s economic sh*t-storm. This quote sums it up best, I think: “I’m disgusted at the industry that I love taking its position for granted for a decade-plus, and ignoring the warning signs.”
6) Sampling Portugal’s Very Best (Icon & Premium Wines Tasting from Wine Future 2023)
On a much more positive note, 2023’s Wine Future Conference was epically awesome, particularly in the guided tastings. This one was chock full of truly unforgettable bottles.
5) We Told You So (Wine Media’s Day of Reckoning Is Here, and Can We Fix It?)
Well… we did! Anyway, this article details my take on the wine industry downturn’s impacts (both realized and potential) on wine media itself. It ends with solid recommendations, but it remains to be seen as to whether or not the wine industry will take them!
4) “The Magnificent 12” (Sampling Some of The Wine World’s Best at Wine Future 2023)
Back to some happiness! Here’s my recap of the other unforgettably epic tasting held at the 2023 Wine Future Conference in Portugal. With all of the heavy hitters in that tasting lineup, it’s easy to see why this article was so popular.
3) “The Most Sustainable Winery in the World”: Inside UC Davis’ Wine Program
I visited UC Davis to both introduce my eldest daughter to the school as a potential landing spot for her undergrad studies, and to help pull back the curtain for wine lovers on what it means when we read that someone was “trained at UC Davis” on their wine bio. Looks like the work I did was appreciated, a fact which I sincerely hope that UC Davis factors into its admissions process if my daughter applies there. Just kidding. Sort of.
2) F*ck AI (Thoughts On the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Wine)
Is Artificial Intelligence taking the place of some wine industry jobs? Yes. Is it doing a good job? Mostly, No.
1) Things Are Going to Get Worse Before They Get Better (Thoughts on SipSource’s 2023 Wine Data)
As always, a controversial Op-Ed for the #1 spot! As it turns out, the end of 2023 was just the starter course of crap sandwiches that the global wine business was to eat up in 2024. On a somewhat positive note, there are reasons to believe that the wine market might be close to hitting bottom (or might have already hit it), though I am inclined to disagree with that assessment… Let’s hope I am wrong!!!
Cheers—and have a safe and happy new year!
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– for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers!
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