
Pessac-Léognan & Graves 2018: Panel tasting results

Graves and Pessac 2018

Gareth Birchley, Arthur Coggill and Melody Wong tasted 66 wines, with 31 Highly recommended.

Pessac-Léognan & Graves 2018: Panel tasting scores
66 wines tasted

Exceptional 0

Outstanding 0

Highly recommended 31

Recommended 32

Commended 3

Fair 0

Poor 0

Entry criteria: producers and UK agents were invited to submit their 2018 vintage of any Pessac-Léognan or Graves designated red wine, including cru classé

By late April 2018, London was already melting, and there was wall-to-wall sunshine well into October. Bordeaux had a different spring. Record March rainfall led to humidity in the vineyards and a real concern of rot before the buds had even burst.

Unusual as it was, it was July before our cousins in Aquitaine felt the benefits of any kind of heatwave. From then on, by contrast, the stage was set and Bordeaux experienced one of the hottest periods in half a century.

Scroll down to see tasting notes and scores from the Pessac-Léognan & Graves 2018 panel…

Source : https://www.decanter.com/premium/pessac-leognan-graves-2018-panel-tasting-results-532602/